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Our Purpose.

Personal Growth

Together, We Inspire The Growth of One Another.

Our purpose is to support your life journey of intentional and abundant living.  We are a tribe of empowered people owning our stories, committed to growing in self-awareness and contributing to the overall well-being of others.

By intentionally living, we foster alignment between our values and actions, creating opportunities to fully give and receive both professionally and personally. 

Reflection & Self-Discovery

Action & Reflection Are Fundamental To Growth.

Through group workshops, private retreats and yoga flows we explore tools, strategies and actions that elevate the mind, inspire change and empower ownership.

In our experiences together, we focus on stimulating a joyful and energetic body, fostering a quiet reflective mind, demonstrating love and compassion for self and others, while identifying and removing obstacles for growth.

Life Journey

Life Is A Journey. So, Enjoy It.

In today's journey many of us fall victim to the illusion of busy-ness. We are moving, but often unclear of why or in what direction we are going.  Taking the time to conduct inventory and recharge opens our pathway to meaningful living.

EIE believes the wealth of life centers from living in your truth -- knowing your strengths, offering service to the world and being authentically you. 

The World of EIE.

EIE's Pulse

Our Core

To the core of our being, we believe in owning our journey of self improvement, embracing our unique story's and contributing outside of Self. Explore the the vibrations of our pulse.

Explore EIE

How May We Serve You?


We recognize that the process of self-actualization and ownership takes various forms, which is why we offer a variety of services.

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Inside The EIE Mind.


As life-long students, we are committed to continuous development, opening our minds and hearts to new information.  Follow along and if you feel encouraged, contribute.

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Join The EIE Tribe.

Sign Up to be apart of The EIE Tribe: Opportunities to Give & Receive.

Let's Connect.

Connect With Others Living In Alignment.

Elevate. Inspire. Empower. LLC
